[自拍]freeze @ BU 07-mar-2008
freeze @ BU 07-mar-2008 :dev::dev::dev::dev: :dev::dev::dev::dev: thanks for sharing咩function來? :confused: the stage is too dark...........can't see anything...............but the pics are great.....thanks bro........
FREZZE should ALWAYS dance in pink or white backgroud............what waste of their superb figures..... [quote]Originally posted by [i]VIIV[/i] at 2008-3-8 06:18 PM:
the stage is too dark...........can... [/quote]
係呀, 我都覺得個台太黑
呢個係bu 的singing 比賽
我部fuji 到呢d 環境已經係極限la 應該吸引左唔少咸濕仔入場 賣肉咁賣lo佢地....
上正下正 [quote]Originally posted by [i]fowler2000[/i] at 2008-3-8 10:21 PM:
係呀, 我都覺得個台太黑
呢個係bu 的singing 比賽
我部fuji 到呢d 環境已經係極限la [/quote]
Hey! Man, you have already gave your best!
Thank you! 呢個係佢地收半價果個大學show~ 同平時差好遠!:nogood:
btw,佢地唱歌有無走音?唔夠氣?:confused: 又係著呢D閃令令既絲襪...睇到悶-,- 佢地真係好買力~~€
要支持下佢地~~~ So small I cannot see