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5C 停產了


If the latest reports are to be believed, the trajectory of Apple’s iPhone 5c might be closer to that of Ping than the company could have predicted. According to Digitimes, Foxconn Electronics, well-known for being one of Apple’s most prominent and prolific manufacturers, will be halting production on the iPhone 5c at its Zhengzhou factory in order to shift its focus to the record-setting iPhone 5s. Last month, Apple had lowered its iPhone 5c orders from both Foxconn and Pegatron Technology, one of Apple’s OEMs that is already expected to see stunted growth as a result of the 5c’s poor performance. Other sources are reporting that Foxconn will only be reducing its weekly output at the factory, but either way, it’s becoming fairly clear that the iPhone 5c still hasn’t found its niche in the market.

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香港追星 STARHK » 數碼產品 » 5C 停產了

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