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Cher Lloyd Upskirt

The minute you start talking about X-Factor contestant and Simon Cowell and pop music singles and the like, I tend to tune out. But when I hear words like hot teen and upskirt, well, I tune right the 'eff back in and believe it's time for an introduction to Btitty young pop star in the making, Cher Lloyd, who I guess on sheer account of her name is destined for greatness.
And her short black leather skirts flashing her knickers don't hurt either. (Oh, and don't think we didn't check, Cher just turned 19, so we're all good in peeking up her skirt part of our job, you're covered in your imagination part of the job.) Enjoy.


Cher-Lloyd-Flashes-Upskirt-in-Short-Black-Leather-Skirt-LB.jpg (190.2 KB)
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香港追星 STARHK » 娛樂名人討論 » Cher Lloyd Upskirt

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